
Current as of 1 September 2024

Privacy Statement and Website Terms

Dealsuite BV respects the privacy of visitors to its websites, in particular the rights of visitors with regard to the automated processing of personal data. In this privacy statement, we have recorded our policy with respect to the processing of personal data and the rights of data subjects.

For all additional information on the protection of personal data, please visit the  website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority:  https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl

Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems on the website, we will not place analytical cookies and/or tracking cookies on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. By continuing to visit this website, you accept the following privacy statement and website terms and conditions.

The current version of the privacy policy available on the website is the only version that applies for as long as you visit the website, until a new version replaces the current version. We reserve the right to unilaterally amend this privacy statement and website terms from time to time.

Article 1 - Legal provisions, personal data and processing

  • Website (hereinafter also referred to as "the Website"): www.dealsuite.com
  • Controller of personal data (hereinafter also referred to as "we” or “us”): Dealsuite BV, located at Sciencepark 106, 1098 XG Amsterdam, Chamber of  Commerce number: 75.841.983.
  • Personal data is any data that can be used to establish the identity of a natural person.
  • We process personal data that (1) you actively provide to us and (2) that are passed on to us automatically or in another way, including for technical reasons. When you visit our Website, some personal data is automatically provided to our systems,  such as the IP address you use. We may also collect data about you from third parties, such as by consulting public sources/public registers, through our own research and in other ways, for example through the use of cookies.
  • We process personal data on the basis of four principles, namely (1) because it is necessary for the performance of an agreement, (2) because it is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests or those of a third party, (3) on the basis of the consent of the data subject, or (4) because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.
  • We are entitled to share the personal data obtained by us with group companies and to use it to (further) analyse / develop the software or other products/services (including training language models or artificial intelligence). When developing products/services, we ensure that the personal data used for this purpose cannot be traced.
  • We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against risks of misuse, unauthorized access, unwanted publication, alteration or destruction. We also ensure that third parties and affiliates who process personal data on our behalf observe adequate security and operate in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    We only share your personal data with third parties based in the EuropeanEconomic Area (EEA). We will ensure that, where appropriate, appropriate measures are taken when we transfer your personal data to third parties. For example, where necessary,  we will enter into a data processing agreement (which sets out restrictions on the use of your personal data and obligations relating to the security of your personal data).

Article 2 - Your privacy rights

As a data subject, you have the following rights:  
- the right of access;
- the right to have your personal data deleted;
- the right to rectification and completion;
- the right to have your personal data transferred to another party;  − the right to have less personal data processed;
- the right not to be subject to automated decision-making;
- the right to object to data processing.

In addition to the aforementioned rights, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority against our processing of your personal data.  You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this.  You can exercise these rights by contacting us at info@dealsuite.nl.

Any request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document, signed by you and stating the address at which you can be contacted. Within 1 month of the request submitted, you will receive a response to your request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this period may be extended by 2 months if necessary.

Article 3 - Commercial offers

You can get commercial offers from or on behalf of us. If you do not wish to receive them (anymore), please send an e-mail to the following address: info@dealsuite.nl.

Article 4 - Data retention period

1. Your personal data will be stored in our IT system for as long as you use our services.

Article 5 - Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer's hard drive when you visit our website. A cookie contains data so that you can be recognized as a visitor each time you visit our website. It is then possible to set up our website specifically for you and to make it easier to log in. When you visit our website, a banner will appear informing you about the use of cookies. By continuing to use our website, you accept its use. Your consent is valid for a period of thirteen months.

We use the following types of cookies on our website:
- Functional cookies: such as session and login cookies for keeping track of session and login information.
- Anonymised Analytical cookies: to gain insight into the visit to our website based on  information about visitor numbers, popular pages and topics. In this way, we can  better tailor the communication and information provision to the needs of visitors to our website. We cannot see who visits our websites or from which PC the visit takes place.
- Non-anonymised Analytical cookies: to gain insight into the visit to our website  based on information about visitor numbers, popular pages and topics. In this way,  we can better tailor the communication and information provision to the needs of  visitors to our website.
- Tracking cookies: such as advertising cookies that are intended to show relevant  advertisements. Personal interests can be deduced from the information about  websites visited. This allows organizations to show their website visitors targeted advertisements, for example. Tracking cookies make it possible to create profiles of  people and treat them differently. Tracking cookies usually process personal data.

More specifically, we use the following Cookies:
- Google Analytics anonymized (analytical cookies)
- Google Analytics (analytical cookie)
- Adobe (analytical cookie)
- Facebook (tracking cookie)
- Google Adwords (tracking cookie)

When you visit our website, cookies from the controller and/or third parties may be  installed on your device. For more information on the use, management and deletion of cookies for each type  of control, we invite you to consult the following link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/onderwerpen/internet-telefoon-tv-en post/cookies#faq

Article 6 - Access to the website

Access to and use of the website is strictly personal. You will not use this website as  well as the data and information provided on it for commercial, political or advertising  purposes, or for any commercial offers, and in particular not for unsolicited electronic  offers.

Article 7 - The content of the website

All trademarks, images, texts, comments, illustrations, (animation) images, video  images, sounds, as well as all technical applications that can be used to make the  website function and more generally all parts used on this site, are protected by law  by intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized (partial) reproduction, repetition, use  or adaptation, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited.  

If you come across any personal data while visiting the website, you must refrain  from collecting it or from any other unauthorized use as well as from any act that  constitutes an invasion of the privacy of those person(s). The administrator is in no  way responsible in the above situations.

Article 8 - Management of the website

In order to ensure the proper management of the website, we may, at any time:

- suspend, interrupt or restrict access to all or part of the website to a particular category of visitors
- remove any information that may interfere with the functioning of the website or  violates national or international law or violates internet etiquette
- Have the website temporarily unavailable in order to be able to carry out updates

Article 9 - Responsibilities

Under no circumstances shall the Administrator be held responsible for any failures,  malfunctions, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the Website, which  render the Website or any of its functionalities inaccessible. The way in which you  connect to the website is your own responsibility. It is your responsibility to take all  appropriate measures to protect your equipment and data against, among other  things, virus attacks on the Internet. You are also responsible for the websites and  data you consult on the Internet.

You are liable towards us for any damages suffered by us (including any cost  incurred by us) in relation to your breach of this privacy statement and website terms.

Article 10 - Images and products offered

No rights can be derived from the images that belong to the products offered on the  website.

Article 11 - Applicable law

These terms and conditions are governed by Dutch law. The court in Amsterdam shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any disputes relating to these terms and conditions, except where a statutory exception applies.

Article 12 - Contact

For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact: Customer Service, info@dealsuite.nl